Since the launch of my blog my life has been on a whirlwind. Shortly after launching, I won tickets to BlogHer Creators Summit thanks to BlackGirlsWhoBlog, attended numerous networking events, and collaborated with some amazing Boss Babes. My summer was filled with creating content and basically living my best life.

Photography – Oscar Merrida
With all the blessings coming my way and growing organically, I still had questions. The questions that plagued my mental space started with “how do I”, “when should I”, “can I”, and “what is”. I circled back to my notes from BlogHer hoping to see if I could answer my own questions. The short, simple and not so sweet answer was “no”. Although, I didn’t have all the answers I continued being my authentic self with the intention of empowering women to journey through life in style.
A few influencers informed me about Fohr’s Freshman Class Pilot Program and encouraged me to apply. I researched and gathered more information on Fohr and their social media platform.
According to Fohr’s Freshman Class Pilot Program mission statement:
“Over the last few years, the call for more diversity in the influencer space has gotten louder and louder, and at Fohr, we want to use our platform as a leader in the space to amplify that message for more diversity and help provide opportunities for underrepresented voices. Fohr Freshman Class is a pilot program that is meant to provide mentorship, access and networking opportunities to influencers who typically have been excluded by the industry.”
I found myself reading the mission statement and instantly became interested in Fohr’s platform. This program was designed for micro-influencers like myself. But then that annoying and contagious thing happened, insecurity and doubt became the source of my anxiety. Should I still apply? It was the same feeling I had when I applied to 10 colleges my Senior Year in High school, applied for Grad school, applied for my job, and anything that required an application. At that point, fear won and I decided to not apply.
Initially, the easiest part of the process was being supportive of my friends who were committed to their decision to apply. Although, I was still toying with the idea, I wasn’t confident in myself. Honestly, I can’t even fathom why I was I was so nervous about it. Maybe fear of rejection? It wasn’t until the Sunday before the application was due a peace came over me. Yes, that moment when you cry your heart out to God, ask God all these questions, and hope you get an immediate answer. This was a test of my faith and opportunity to face another challenge. I spent so much time overcoming comparison and over analyzing that I wasn’t even living out my brand’s mission statement. I’m encouraging other people to know that “life’s a journey. Show up. Be Bold. Stand out” but in that very moment I wasn’t taken my own advice. I worked so hard to get to where I am today. I had to own and accept that my journey won’t be like those around, behind, or ahead of me. The woman I am today is more confident and understands that she deserves a seat at the table.
If you follow me on Instagram, then you would have seen that I made it as a finalist for FOHR”s 2018 Freshman class. Yes, little me made it as a finalist. After all that internal debate, I answered every question authentically. I did what I inspire others to do, be your best self. I don’t have this “influencing” thing figured out, yet. However, as a micro influencer of color I respect and support Fohr’s initiative, for being a pioneer to help those underrepresented voices. Fohr will be selecting 10 winners to become a part of their first inaugural class. I am humbled and grateful that I made it as a finalist. The lesson in this far greater than “the prize”. Never let fear and doubt stop you because I almost did.
Outfit details
Jacket- H&M (similar)
Skirt- thrifted (similar)
Boots- Aldo (similar)
Life’s a journey. Show up. Be Bold. Stand out.
-Tatiana I-Nise
October 31, 2018 at 5:45 pm“True success is overcoming the fear of being unsuccessful.”
Congrats on becoming a finalist for FOHRs 2018 Freshman class
Shaniqua Augustine
November 1, 2018 at 11:43 pmLove the energy! Keep doing what you do and embrace your gift from God. Fear is evil but fear can be defeated. Smooches!!!
November 17, 2018 at 10:50 pmI think we all go through doubting ourselves and fear but as the saying goes, if your dreams don’t scare you they are not big enough. Congrats on making it to the finals for FOHR and the success of your blog so far!
November 21, 2018 at 12:06 amThank you so much Drea!! Fear is real but we must not let it control us.
February 18, 2019 at 6:22 amLate to the game but super impressed with your blog. So many words I needed to hear. Thank you.
Tatiana Inise
March 11, 2019 at 3:04 pmThank you! I am glad this helped you! 🙂