So I can’t believe it’s March already. I feel like 2021 is moving fast but slow. Anyways, it’s a new month and I set some goals for myself for the year. I’m devoting myself to leisure reading. Yes! I want to devour into books again just for fun. My inner child longs for an escape from reality. With the increase in my technology usage I just want to take it back to the basics. Less screen time and more reading.
Let me be real I don’t think I’ve picked up a book just for fun in a while and if I did I haven’t finished. The ones I did finish it was on Audible. Please do not judge me I love the convenience . However, my inner book worm misses the days of taking a trip to the library to check out a book. There’s something about curling up on the couch with a glass of wine and feeling the crispy pages of a book. It’s comforting and again break from the screen.

Here are some books that are apart of my collection and some I plan on reading these next few months.
Please share your book recommendations below! Here’s to more leisure reading and less screen time.

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