Dear Queen,
Today I look at you and see all that God beautifully crafted. Your crown adjusted and you wear it so beautifully. Your battle wounds and scars you wear shine through even with your transformation. I watched you heal them one by one. The healing wasn’t easy but you decided to choose you. Instead of following the world you looked to the word. Allowing God to shape and mold you. Proverbs 31 type of woman with a heart of gold.
Sis, you have taken time out to figure out your bad habits and ways to end those generational curses. I know you worked hard for your present and future to be different. You are more than the past that hurt you but I know it caused you to search for answers to “who am I?.” I’m proud that you stopped running and hiding. It’s easier to fill yourself up with temporary fixes but you knew it wouldn’t take away the internal pain. It didn’t matter if you painted your face each day and clothed yourself and pretend to have it all together. Truthfully, no one does we all trying to figure out this thing called life. Queen, I’m so proud that you took off that mask and allowed others to see your light. Light is meant to be seen and felt.
I’m sorry that your Father and the men in your life couldn’t set the perfect example for you. They failed you. Therefore, you found yourself dating and falling for men who remind you of them. Until now ,you loved yourself enough to walk away from those things that no longer served you. I know there have been men or women who have violated you and taken advantage of your childlike innocence, baby girl it wasn’t your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong, so lift up your chin. Better yet, you’re not your parents -they did their best. It’s okay if you choose to love family members from a distance.
Choose you time and time again.
I’m sorry that even with an open heart you continued to show others grace and love even when they hurt you. They didn’t deserve you but not everyone gets to have access to you. Guard your heart and stand tall you got this. People see the God in you and admire how you continue to do everything with such grace and class. Queen, choosing the higher road of forgiveness doesn’t make you weak because it’s for you not them. It’s okay if they don’t understand but we have learned that God will fight our battles and you will win.
Today you can look back at the pain, trauma, and crisis and know it was all for a greater purpose. God’s love never left you but he was there the whole time. He was waiting for you to trust him and lean in.
Queen, love will find you again and this time it will wrap its arms around you. It will possess joy, peace, and gentleness. This love will be patient and kind but you will trust it with your whole being. It’s love will continue to show you your scars and wounds but give you the space and freedom to put the pieces back together. Don’t worry it won’t leave you nor forsake you but will reflect the kingdom above. Just know three things last forever faith, hope, and love.
So today Queen look in the mirror and smile because you are perfectly imperfect.
Your Sister

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